Saturday, January 10, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

It has been nearly 5 years since my last post.  I stop and pause to consider the stark changes from then to now.  On to the top, I'm more balanced than I've ever been.  With the help of my therapist, Dr. Darby, I've discovered many new tools and cultivated many new techniques in life that have opened up a wealth of opportunities, and also has indelibly altered my view of the world and my reality.

I have also been most fortunate to meet my new partner in crime, my muse, Jessa.  To say that this is a radically different dynamic for me is an understatement.  It's refreshing and, dare I say, one of the best things that has happened to me.  I know we feel that way at the onset of a new relationship, but I can tell that this is different.  I feel like I'm in sync with this wonderful person in a way that I cannot ever recall.  And so, I hope that this dynamic will continue to be a daily surprise as it has been.

I've changed jobs since my last post.  GlobalTranz is a good match for me.  It's another of the realities that I ponder with the same root thought - had things worked out any differently, would I have been so lucky?  We guide our wills through this life, and sometimes synchronicity comes into play and we cast the line at the right time and catch that big fish.  I believe I've done it again.

Discovering Buddhism has also been a pivotal discovery.  While I'm not a hard core worshiper, I have found that the logic is infallible. (I mean, to me it's spot-on)  On it's surface, it's refreshingly simple to follow, and the mindfulness exercises have been invaluable to my mental goodwill.

So overall, everything is going quite well.  I've been ever mindful not to get ahead of myself or swept away by the ephemeral, quotidian distractions.  Stay grounded.  Be mindful.  Give the time, some time, and life can surprise you with stark and everlasting changes.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pareidolia in Astronomy, pt 2.

Aside from digitizing the first series of images, the only research I've done is on a house.  Yes, a House.

Kate and I have looked at houses for some time.  The only concern at this point is the money.  Will we be able to afford it?  Taxes, taxes, upkeep, blah blah.  Still kind of nice, though - it is a quaint little place, very cozy.  Over 1500 sq. feet.  Nice enough neighborhood.  I like it.

The Astronomy will commence over this weekend.  I have the scope ready for travel.  I've caught aperture envy, and I've been drooling over a 12" Meade Truss tube scope at  My heavens!  I'll always be fond of my Orion - easy to transport and set up.

That's enough for now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Pareidolia in Astronomy, part 1.

Before modern civilization, the skies were free of city light and pollution, making for a celestial show that surely entranced humans.  It must have, because we have many western-culture constellations with names that date back to before the time of Homer. 
I will venture down this road and explain some of the lore associated with modern constellations, and the overall goal will encompass the images these stars evoke.  Some are obvious, others puzzling - by the end, we'll have a few of our own.
Astronomy has a deep and rich heritage, and there are hand-painted images of the stars that date back to 16,000 years ago.  (Lascaux caves in France.)

My first task is already in motion.  I am going to explain pareidolia in Astronomy using my observations.  I have made charts and sketches. I will have woven several tales of my own using stars as my guide.  I will post a few of these ideas and projects.  I encourage feedback and ideas.

Lastly: It's going to be fun whether you like it or not.

long time since last post

Blogging... It sounds like an euphemism for taking a shit.

It's been over a year since my last post. A lot has changed. Lost my old job, got a new job.
Got back into Astronomy, starting to sketch and take observations. I need to learn the celestial coordinate system...

I've started a new project called, "Pareidolia in Astronomy". I will post my finished product once I have completed my observations and sketches.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas!

This post is a showcase of pictures from the point which we took in 5 kittens. Chloe is the oldest female, almost 1 year old. The rest are a wee bit over 4 months old. Max & Widget are the males. (Max is the larger of the 2.) Tinkerbell & Hobbet are the females. (Tinkerbell is just barely the larger of the 2.)

They are energetic, smart, and well behaved. (I couldn't believe it either. This pack of rugrats have far exceeded any expectations I held about cats.) They have been an endless source of amusement, wonder, and jaw-dropping awe.



Hobbit doesn't think it's funny.

Max, Tinkerbell, and Widget asleep in the back.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Where to start?

Chloe is a big kitten, almost 1 year old. Max, Widget, Hobbit & Tinkerbell (Tink) are all 4-5 months old. They live with me and my wife in Phoenix, Arizona.